“Earn while you’re asleep,
Spend while you’re Awake”!
“It is much easier to ride a horse in the direction its going”..Abraham Lincoln.
The current chaos of “online classes”, for schools; students have already been declared in-competitive, inconsiderate to the percentage of families accessible to the internet or computers. This is just one example, for the “Narrative Implanted”, in the subconscious as in-competitiveness without preparedness to the “Change”.
Fold Your Hands Sit Straight; the slogan of the Early Child Care Education System in the country prepares children with the much required Non Verbal Communication radically in-correctable as job seekers’, where the opposite is required.
The Unconscious data bank by this period is nourished with inputs that is away from Confidence; un-recognizes the internal Assets of creativity, imagination, vision and courage; deemed to mental activity of technological temptation the results of belief and practice in Incremental Success.
The size of the Question determines the size of the Result, the sixteenth ‘Aha’, How do I get a job, salary, a house, security? The result less than outstanding outcome. When the thought is small, the actions following interpreting the thoughts are meager!
Plagued by the “Narrative”, ignorance to the Law of Compensation, journey ensues with denial to “There is Never Something for Nothing’.
A satellite must reach escape velocity to break free of Earth’s gravity; the force that propels human action is emotion, its about “Heart-storming”not “Brain storming.” Take a chance, change the results with the change in the inputs to the unconscious data bank.
Stop Stewing on the decision to begin;identify the definite major purpose, engage in deliberate thinking, not futile mental activity, disciplined imagination and infallible persistence enables the desired transmutation.
“You need to really Want it to Do it, you really need to Do it , to Enjoy it”!
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